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Are Eggs Good or Bad For UTI Patients?

Eggs and UTI:

Key facts:

  • Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin D and choline.
  • There is no scientific evidence suggesting against eating eggs during urinary tract infection.
  • Eggs are ok to eat if you have UTI. You can eat one to two eggs per day safely if you have UTI.
  • Eggs don’t seem to have bad effects on your UTI.
  • Eggs are not bad for a patient with UTI. Most people tolerate eating eggs.
  • Eggs may be unsuitable to consume if you have UTI and chronic kidney diseases (kidney impairment).
  • Eggs may be a source of pathogenic strains of E. coli that cause UTI, but more research is needed.
  • Foods to avoid with a UTI include those high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, caffeine and alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, processed and packaged foods, and high-fat foods.

Eggs: Nutritional facts.

Eggs are tasty, healthy, and one of the highest sources of high-quality proteins. Some nutritionists consider eggs as one of the most nutritious foods on our planet.

Eggs are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and choline.

According to the USDA (United states department of Agriculture), Eggs are composed of the:

  • Water: 75%.
  • Protein:12.4%
  • Fat: 9.96%
  • Carbohydrates: Less than 1%.
  • Fibers: 0%
  • Calories (per 100g): 143 kcal (the average egg weight is between 50 and 70 grams, averaging 78 kcal per egg).

Eggs are also a good source of some vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamins: A, B2, B5, B12, and folic acid.
  • Minerals include Phosphorus and Selenium (a powerful antioxidant and immune booster).
  • Eggs are also the highest source of choline in the US diet. Choline is an essential nutrient that protects your body from cardiovascular and liver diseases and improves cognitive function.
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Can you eat eggs with UTI?

Eggs are ok to eat if you have UTI. There is no scientific evidence suggesting against its intake during urinary tract infection. You can eat one to two eggs per day safely if you have UTI.

Eggs are a healthy and nutritious food that provides you with many health benefits. Boiled eggs are preferred over scrambled eggs as the latter are higher in fats.

Too much fat can cause cholesterol build-up (higher risk of heart disease and hypertension). It also may cause nausea and gastric upset.

There are not many studies that specifically investigate the effect of eating eggs during a uti. However, eggs don’t seem to have bad effects on your UTI.

Are eggs good for UTI patients?

Eating eggs is not contraindicated during a UTI attack. Also, there is no evidence that eating eggs provides specific benefits for patients with a UTI.

Based on the current evidence, the presence or absence of eggs in your diet doesn’t seem to have significant benefits or drawbacks on your condition.

At least, it is not contraindicated, and you can eat eggs even if you have UTI and make use of its general nutritional and health benefits such as:

  • High-quality protein source
  • Good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, choline, phosphorus, and selenium
  • High source of choline, which can help protect against cardiovascular and liver diseases and improve cognitive function

When do eggs become bad for UTIs?

Eggs are not bad for UTIs:

Eggs are not considered bad for a patient with UTI. Most people tolerate eating eggs.

See also  UTI Symptoms In Women: Simple & Complicated.

Eggs are not known to trigger or aggravate UTI symptoms such as burning urination, bladder pain, or abdominal discomfort.

So, can eat eggs safely with UTI unless your doctor or dietitian advises against eating them.

Some studies suggest that eggs may be a source of bacteria causing UTI:

Some recent studies suggested that eggs (together with chicken meat) may be a source of pathogenic strains of E. coli that cause UTI.

Eating undercooked eggs may lead t the ingestion of E. coli bacteria that later may contaminate the urethral opening when they come out with stool leading to UTI.

However, these claims need more research, and it doesn’t appear to be an issue, especially if you sufficiently cook or boil eggs and wash your hands after handling raw eggs.

When do eggs become bad for UTIs?

Eggs may be unsuitable to consume if you have UTI and chronic kidney diseases (kidney impairment).

Choline and phosphorus in egg yolks are bad for patients with raised serum creatinine or those who are on dialysis (reference).

Don’t eat eggs if you have UTI on top of chronic kidney diseases such as diabetic nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, or other chronic kidney condition without consulting your doctor or nutritionist.

Does eating eggs cause pee to smell like rotten eggs?

Eggs typically don’t cause profound changes in how your pee smells. Your urine may smell like boiled eggs or rotten eggs if you have a UTI (due to bacteria).

Other causes of smelly urine include asparagus, fish, onions, garlic, and others (learn more).

See also  Acute Cystitis with Hematuria: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments.

What foods to eat and avoid with UTI?

At this point, You may conclude that you can safely eat eggs if you have UTI 99% of the time.

But you may be wondering what foods to avoid if you have a UTI; here is a list of foods that are better to avoid with UTI:

  • Foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Spicy foods
  • Caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Processed and packaged foods
  • High-fat foods